Saturday, December 13, 2014

Romantic No More

Adoption is so idealistic and romantic.... in the beginning.  

Two years later it feels like a mountain to climb. For all you flatlanders,  I'm not referring to a small hill, I'm talking about a large mountain, rising 14,000 feet in the air.  The kind of mountain that causes you to wonder if you'll make it to the top and ravishes your lungs.  But at the top., there it is, the majesty, the awe inspiring, breath taking view.  The "worth-it-all" moment. 

We continue to climb the mountain.  It's one we've never climbed and one in which we actually have no idea where we are on the mountain.  We're like the kids in the back seat asking, "Are we there yet?"  Those of you closest to us have joined us in that weekly, daily asking of, "Are we there yet?"  The answer I usually give my kids is, "We are closer than we've ever been."  That is true for this too... We are closer than we've ever been!

I want to tell you the nitty gritty... but we signed an internet agreement that has made it very hard for us to know how or what to communicate.  I have a hard time sticking to rules, so I just haven't said anything.  But I want you to know that things are HOPEFUL!!!  As hopeful as they've ever been that our wait is coming to an end.  (As always you can ask us face to face or through email about our adoption and we will gladly give you more details!  We love to tell our story.)

You can continue to be a part of our journey...

Please continue to pray for our family!  Pray that God would continue to prepare our hearts.  Pray that we would continue to grow in patience.  Pray that God would make a way for us to pick up our boys.

You can also help financially.  Some things have come up financially and medically with our boys, so we had to use all of our travel costs to meet those needs.  If you would like to help us with our travel costs you can donate to us through Lifesong for Orphans.  We need about $10,000.

Give by Check:
  1. Checks should be payable to "Lifesong for Orphans", In the memo, note "Braddy/#3857", this will ensure that it is credited to the right account.
  2. Make checks payable to: Lifesong for Orphans, P.O. Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744
  3. If you want this to be tax deductible in 2014 please make sure it is postmarked by December 31st
Give Online:
  1. Go to
  2. Select Adoption Funding then select Family Specific
  3. Fill in Family Account Number & Family Name field "#3857/Braddy"
  4. Complete the rest of the form
**Please note that PayPal will charge an administrative fee (2.9% +$.30USD per transaction).  Your donation will be decreased by the amount of this fee.

Someday this will be a blog of stories about a family that is learning how to operate with two more family members, it will be filled with joy and probably some angst.  And you my friends will be the ones we tell our boys about... the ones that supported us and helped us fund this adventure.  Thank you for joining us!  

Saturday, March 1, 2014


I know I have been silent. I haven't updated my blog in ages.  That is also how I would describe the adoption journey - silent.  I want a word from someone or somewhere, I check my email, my voice mail, snail mail, I just want to know what is going on and I know you do to.  When it comes to adoption, words are in short supply.  In the beginning, you write all your words on multiple pieces of paper and mail it out hoping for words back, but the word back is wait... wait 45-60 days, wait 3 months, wait, wait, wait.  I got to the point where, when I would be asked what was happening, my standard response was, "We are waiting on paperwork" or "We are waiting for a government somewhere to do something."

And then the silence ended... not from our the government, not from paperwork, but God's word spoke.  I was reading in  Psalm 37 and verse 34 washed over me:

Wait for the LORD and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; 

Wait for the LORD, not wait for paperwork or wait for a government official or the postal service or where ever I would like to place my frustration at the moment but wait for the LORD.  Wait for the LORD because He is good,  He is kind, He is faithful, He is just, He is holy, He is righteous, He is sovereign, He is peace, His word even says that He places orphans in homes, not governments or agencies but God.  He is teaching me to wait with patience and grace and to clear out bitterness before it grows and let grace spring up in its place. I wish I could tell you something, some great update, but nothing has changed.... we watch and wait for the LORD. 

For those of you who need more... we have to be careful about what we share online but here are a few details you can pray for:
  • The country we are adopting from has slowed down incredibly.  Our adoption has been completed in the courts, but the country is still processing the necessary paperwork for them to leave the country. We are not the only family in the position of waiting, there are many, many, many families waiting, families with one spouse in country with the children they have adopted, while the other is in the USA. When you pray for us, don't just pray for us, but all these other families that are under the same constraints and many in harder places.
  • God has provided financially for all of our agency fees so far.  We still need to raise some money for travel costs. If you would like to help out with this, you can still shop through Amazon and we get a portion of that or you can give through Lifesong.  We are still working towards our matching grant through them and the benefit is your giving is tax-free for you and me.   If you would like to give through Lifesong for Orphans and double your money here is what you need to know:
    • Checks should be payable to "Lifesong for Orphans", In the memo, note "Braddy/#3857", this will ensure that it is credited to the right account.
    • Make checks payable to: Lifesong for Orphans, P.O. Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744
  • One of our boys will need some medical care when he gets to the States, you can be praying that God would heal his body and keep him healthy.
  • Pray for the transition period.
I can't thank you enough for your emotional, financial and prayer support.  We have been incredibly blessed with a wonderful church family that has supported and encouraged us.