Saturday, September 14, 2013

So Blessed!!!!

We are super stoked!!! We continue to get closer to bringing our children home both through the milestones that we are reaching in the process and through the funds that are being raised.  We have been amazed and blessed at the way so many of you have given to us either financially or by donating your time and treasures for us to auction off.  We can't say "Thank You" enough!!!!  We are overwhelmed and blessed.   At this point we have met our first goal and filled up the map of Africa!!!!

Our next goal is raise $14,000 dollars to cover some in-country needs for the children we're adoptinge and to cover our travel costs.  This week we learned that we have received a matching grant through Lifesong for Orphans.  The matching grant is for $3000.  If you would like to give through Lifesong for Orphans and double your money here is what you need to know:
  • Checks should be payable to "Lifesong for Orphans", In the memo, note "Braddy/#3857", this will ensure that it is credited to the right account.
  • Make checks payable to: Lifesong for Orphans, P.O. Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744
We are SO Blessed to have you one our team!  To have people like you who have partnered with us to give two children a forever family.  It will not be long before we introduce you to them.  Please continue to pray for us.  Pray that our hearts with be prepared for the journey to come.  Pray that our financial needs will be met.  Pray that the rest of the journey will go smoothly.  Pray for these orphans hearts,on a daily basis, sometimes hourly, I pray that God will protect them, that He will show his face to them and that He will whisper His love to them.  We believe that God has not only written our story to involve them but he has written their story to involve us and He has written you into our story as well.  Thank you for the many ways you have helped us to feel loved and supported.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

When reality and idealism collide...

Tonight was one of those moments when reality and idealism collide.  As we drove home tonight from Colorado, Paul read an email listing the funds we need to have right now.  I thought we would have til the end of July.  Adoption is weird in that there are not specific deadlines, it is more like... when this piece of paperwork hits so and so's desk we need a check for $17,000.  The agency is trying to rush our file, which is awesome but our finances are holding us back.   I am completely overwhelmed with conflicting emotions.  I am so very grateful for the ways God has provided so far in this adoption process and I'm overwhelmed by the amount of money we still need.  Honestly as of yet, we have been able to make every payment at the time it was needed.  I'm so tired of everything being about money, I hate it.  But we can't do this without money.  I wish there wasn't a price tag on these boys but there is.  On the drive, I let my thoughts get lost in the great expanse of sky and land before me as I fought the back the tears, and I thought of Job and the moment when the LORD reminds him of who he is.

Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements - surely you know?
On what were its bases sunk
or who stretched the line upon it?
On what were its bases sunk
or who laid its cornerstone, 
when the morning stars sang together
and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Job 38:4-7

He used this to remind me of truth.... He chose these boys and He chose our family.  He has provided every cent thus far and he will provide every cent until we have them.  Tears continue to stream down my face because I want it now.  I want it now, because the sooner we have the funds the sooner we have them.  We need $9,000 as soon as possible.  Will you pray with us that God would provide this?  I know He will, but I also know that He needed to remind me that it is him not me that is accomplishing this mission.  Will you also pray that we will be content with God's timing?  Thank you to all of you that have helped us and supported us and prayed for us and walked with us and asked us about the boys and the process and encouraged us!  We love you!

Check out this song, it has been my prayer.... I want to be your hands and feet to these 2 boys, all for your kingdom's sake.

Monday, June 24, 2013

5 million.... a really big number for a really BIG God!

5 million seems like a lot, a really big number, a number I wouldn't want to count to.  A number I can't imagine, I've never seen 5 million dollars, what does 5 million grains of sand look like or 5 million leaves blowing in the wind?  or 5 million children, 5 million orphans in one country, 5 million orphans in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, many of them victims of a 10 year long civil war. To put that in perspective, we live in a state (Wyoming) with a population of about a half a million.  The Denver metro area has a population of about 3 million.  Miami has a population of 5.6 million.  In the United States there are over 400,000 kids in the foster system.  If I think about these stats for too long, I can become depressed and overwhelmed and then I'm reminded that there is a father to the fatherless that already knows all of this.

Father to the fatherless, defender of the widows- this is God, whose dwelling is holy.  God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy 
(Ps 68:5-6, NLT)

He knows the magnitude of the crisis.  He loves these precious little ones, not only does He know ALL 5 million orphans in the Congo but He knows the number of hairs on each of their little heads.  That is a special kind of knowing.

And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.  So don't be afraid; 
you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows 
(Matthew 10:31, NLT)

He longs to see them loved and ultimately to know him.  

For The Lord your God is the God of gods and The Lord of lords.  
He is the great God, the mighty and awesome God, 
who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed.  
He ensures that orphans and widows receive justice.  
He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing 
(Deuteronomy 10:18-19, NLT)

He knows that my heart is heavy with a longing for these little ones to experience a family.  

If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongues, you are fooling yourself, 
and your religion is worthless.  
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means 
caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.  
(James 1:26-27, NLT)

He knows that my house will not hold 5 million children, but it can hold 2.  Our focus can not be on the 5 million, it must be on the 2, the 2 that we are bringing home.  The 2 little boy faces with sad eyes and sweet smiles, the 2 little boys who don't know their daddy and whose mommy has left this earth.  Those are the 2 we are focused on.  These 2 will one day call us daddy and mommy.  They will rely on us to feed them and nurture them and to walk through their grief with them.

We still need your help.  In the next few weeks, we will be needing to make a payment of $13,100.  We need about $10,000 of that still.  You can help by being one of the 60 to give $500.  You can do this by donating through PayPal, Continuous Worship or by personal check.  You can also use the amazon link to make purchases on Amazon.  We get about 4-5% of what you purchase.  It doesn't seem like a lot but it adds up.

You can also purchase coffee and apparel   through Just Love Coffee our storefront url is  Using this link you will end up in the Braddy Adoption storefront and a portion of your purchase will be donated towards our adoption.  I can't tell you how much we appreciate your contributions towards this adoption.  Just last week we were mailing in some paperwork and faced with the enormity of this task.  But it was this same day that God laid it on the hearts of so many of you to donate $500 or more.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Drum Roll Please!!!!

We are super duper exited to share with you our amazing news.... Mika is soon to be the only daughter in our home and the older sister of four brothers.  We have received a referral for 2 boys from the Congo.  They are 5 and 2 and super cute!   Please start praying for these wonderful boys.  My prayer has been that they would experience the spirit of God, that they would be safe,and that I would remember that God knew them before I knew of them.

This doesn't change our timeline, we are still waiting on the government.  But it does change the timeline of our payments and we will need to be making some pretty hefty payments in the next few weeks and months.  The nitty-gritty is that we will need $19,000 in the next few months.  We will be sharing more details on where all that money goes, but I really wanted to share with you tonight our JOY!!!! Donations can be given to us by check or through those two links on the margin.  We will also be launching some fundraising events this summer.  Stay tuned!!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

What does it mean to be an orphan?

There has been so much joy in my heart thinking about bringing children into our home.  This joy has overflowed and given birth to a passion, a passion for families, churches and communities to care for orphans.  But what does it mean to be an orphan.  When I started really pondering what it means to be an orphan my heart broke with grief. To become an orphan, there must be a wound... I know this is obvious, but sometimes I forget this.  These children are orphans because an unfathomable hurt occurred in their lives.  

This is the definition of orphan given by the USCIS website

The Immigration and Nationality Act provides a definition of an orphan for the purposes of immigration to the United States. A child may be considered an orphan because of the death or disappearance of, abandonment or desertion by, or separation or loss from, both parents. The child of an unwed mother or surviving parent may be considered an orphan if that parent is unable to care for the child properly and has, in writing, irrevocably released the child for emigration and adoption. The child of an unwed mother may be considered an orphan, as long as the mother does not marry (which would result in the child’s having a stepfather) and as long as the child’s biological father has not legitimated the child. If the father legitimates the child or the mother marries, the mother is no longer considered a sole parent. The child of a surviving parent may also be an orphan if the surviving parent has not married since the death of the other parent (which would result in the child’s having a stepfather or stepmother).

Just this week we learned the story of two boys, two boys who are orphans, two boys whose father is unknown, whose mother is deceased and whose grandmother is a widow and can no longer care for their needs.  They are orphans, they need a home, and they need the care of parents.  But what hit home for me is that in the midst of my joy, there is sadness and grief and the carrying of burdens of children that were born into tough places.  It is this strange mixture of emotions that is fueling my energies as we continue to work through the process.  Most importantly, this is what keeps me on my knees, begging the God of the universe to care for these children, to enlarge my heart, to allow me to do my part in caring for the many orphans that walk this planet.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

... the Lord upholds his hand

Its time for an update, but I think you might be bored to hear of all the paperwork we have done and continue to do.  The exciting part of this journey is what is coming.  There will be children who need forever families and they will be matched with us and they will come live in our home and call us mom and dad and we will call them son or daughter. This is the moment we live for, the reason we do this.  Along the way we also have exciting moments, we have benchmarks in our mind that are moments for celebration.  One of those happened last night, it was a simple phone call, but it was a phone call that said it was time to move to the next step.... more paperwork and.... we can also now get a referral for children.  We had said we would take a sibling group and it is looking more and more likely that we will receive one. When I asked Paul what we should share with you, he said, what we've done so far.  Its super exciting, watch out.... 2 applications, 4 sets of fingerprints for Paul, 6 for Cristine (I have funky prints, I was told that, again, today), awkward doctors appointments, more forms than I ever could have imagined, passport for Cristine, ordered certified birth certificates, marriage certificates, many forms notarized, lots of time on the phone, multiple emails, hopes up, hopes down, questioning (what are we thinking) and clinging to God and reminding each other of this....

The Lord directs the steps of the godly, 
He delights in every detail of their lives. 
Though they stumble, 
they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.
Psalm 37:23-24

Paul also wanted me to tell you what are next steps are (check out the top right of the freezer door)

Okay so you have to enlarge it to actually know what it says, but it all boils down to more paperwork and planning a fundraiser.  If you are going to enlarge that you should check out the quote and the proverb... good stuff :)

Here is the updated financial graphic.  Notice a few more filled in (each section representing $500) and the dots represent the pledges we've received.  Also, you can now give online through PayPal (which does charge a fee) or tax exempt through Maranatha Ministries using the big purple DONATE link in the margin.  

Thank you so much for your interest in our journey.  It is a joy to share it with you!!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

All Things Are Possible

We want to keep you up to date on our financial raising journey.  To do that we will be filling in this graphic of Africa.  Each section is equal to $500.  What you are seeing is the money that has come in this week, 5 sections = $2500.  Yay!  In the coming week we are hoping to have an easy way for you to give online towards the adoption.

Our goal for the next couple of weeks is to raise $12,000.  This is what is needed to complete our dossier and get it sent in.  It is also the amount of money needed to receive a referral.  The referral is the moment we are longing for, this is when we will first find out who these precious children are.  It takes about 1-4 months to receive a referral after we have completed our dossier.  If you have not had experience in adoption, this probably sounds something like a foreign language.  The first time we sat in the conference room at Wyoming Children's Society, I became completely overwhelmed by the process and all of these words that were new to my vocabulary.  I want you to understand the process we are in, so as I learn more, I will share more. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey.  We have been humbled by the prayer and support that you have blessed us with.  As we continue to meet our financial goal we will continue to share an updated graphic.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

You don't want to miss this!

Where we are at, you don't want to miss this!!!!

We are so excited to share with you our lastest movement in this adoption journey.  We have chosen the Congo as the country we will be adopting from and will continue to work with Wyoming Children's Society. This choice increases our financial need a bit but we believe that God has laid this path before us and we are taking it by faith.

What we need:

We want to share with you our needs and some of the ways that we believe God wants to meet those needs.  This adoption will cost approximately $30,000.   Initially, we will need to pay approximately $11,500.

I don't know what you think when you hear $30,000?  But I heard, that's a lot of money.  My husband heard, that's 60 people called to give $500.  Suddenly, that feels a lot more doable.  In the last two days we have already had some couples meet that need.  Maybe you are one of those couples that feels called to $500.  Maybe you aren't called to care for one of these precious children in your homes, but maybe you are called to help us carry this burden and thus care for one of these precious children. 

The Braddy Plan!

I thought you might also like to know what the Braddy's are doing in their own home with their own finances to save money for this endeavor.  The first thing we are doing is praying.  We know that we serve a God who promises to meet our needs and we serve a God that loves orphans and cares for them.  We are also putting all of our honorariums from leading worship for camps and retreats, speaking gigs, weddings and funerals towards the adoption.  We've also done silly things... I no longer use the dryer, we hang out all of our clothes (did you know second to the fridge, which we are still using, :) the dryer uses the most electricity in your home).  No more lattes at coffee shops, just coffee (except for the free drinks we earn at Starbucks and the library).  The coffee and the hanging out of clothes is small, it adds up over time, but its still small.  The real benefit might actually be the discipline of being thoughtful and present with my money.  It reminds me that these resources are not mine but God's, and I'm reminded that I must seek God, even about the small things.  It is this discipline that leads me to pray for the children that will come into my home.

You can also give by clicking on the Amazon link, a portion of your purchase will go to the adoption.  This is another small thing, but it adds up.  It is because of these small things that we have been able to pay for our home study, getting our house up to code and the other miscellaneous stuff that comes with this journey.

What Can You Do:
  • Pray ~ 
    • Provision... God 2 provide$
    • Preparation... 4 our hearts & the children's hearts
    • Pace...God's timing
  • Give ~
    • be one of the 60
    • Use the Amazon link (in the margin to the right)
  • Follow our story ~
    • watch for more information (possibly more details for you accountant types)
    • Learn more about the Congo
    • and of course we will continue to share the journey of our hearts with you.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What's Goin' On

What's goin' on?

That's a good question.  When we started this journey, we were sure we knew what we were doing, where God wanted us to adopt from and how he was going to get us there.  But the reality was... we had absolutely no clue as to what we were doing (thank you to those of you who have let me ask a zillion questions) and then it occurred to us that God might want to get us there using a very different route from the one we planned.

Here's what we do know... we are called to adopt.  we have completed a home study.  we are open to whatever door God opens.  God is continually changing us through the process.  When our kids were born, I think I got a glimpse of unconditional love.  Yesterday, I got a very small glimpse of redemption, what it might mean to redeem someone and change their name and their life and give them a new name and a new life.  For more on that journey check out this post.

Our longing and our heart has been for Uganda, but yesterday God also revealed the need right here. That doesn't mean that we have made any changes, but it does mean that we are more open to God changing direction on us and in the process changing us.

So... all I can say is.... stayed tune, God's not done with us yet!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was boy, a very talented, adorable boy, whose songs could make any girls heart melt.  This boy chose a girl, a strong-willed, gonna be a doctor girl, a girl who didn't have time for anything but her books and notebooks and the library and the practice room.  This boy sang to this girl until her heart melted and she said, "yes, I'll hang out with you in the practice room."  And soon, "yes, I will share my life with you."

After a year and a half of sharing life together in a cardboard box size apartment they were given another life to share with, a beautiful baby girl, a strong-willed, I rule this house, bald, brown-eyed girl.  And a new journey began, the doctor girl decided to become a  stay-at-home and love my daughter girl and the musician boy became the pastor boy, his passion for music became a passion for people and their hearts.  Soon the house was filled once more with an amazing baby boy, a snuggly, chubby, brown-eyed busy boy.  And in an extraordinary turn of events this happy family with was blessed with one more treasure, a boy, a small, sweet, train loving, car-toting boy.  This was heaven, a comfortable size family, a comfortable job and a comfortable home.

But the comfort was fleeting.  The creator of this pastor boy and stay-at-home girl had created them for something more.  He had put a passion in them that would not stop at comfort.  He kept whispering in their ear, "I love you, but there is a whole world that I love.  I love your community, but there is also a whole world that I love. And I want you to open your home to love others."

This boy and this girl said "yes" to their great benevolent creator.  They said yes, we will open our home and our hearts and so another chapter in this story begins.  This family will be bringing home more children to fill their home.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Shop Amazon.... Give to Adoption

One of the ways we are fundraising for this adoption is by becoming an Amazon Affiliate.  You can click on this link, order from Amazon and we'll get a percentage which will go towards adoption.  Just click the link or the link in the margin!  Make sure your shopping cart is empty before clicking or it won't count.

Shop Amazon.... Give to Adoption

Friday, February 1, 2013

Loving What God Loves

In my last post on adoption, I made the statement that adoption is the gospel. I would like to clarify that biblically the gospel is that Christ died for our sins, was buried and raised from the dead on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). When we trust Christ for the forgiveness of our sins He (God) credits our account with Jesus' righteousness. Jesus became sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). Part of the outflow of receiving the gospel is to receive the Holy Spirit as a mark of our salvation (Ephesians 1:13). One of the ministries of the Holy Spirit is to live in our hearts and remind us that we are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father (Galatians 4:6-7). As Christians, God is making us new. We are new creatures in Christ with new desires, a new home, a new heritage, and so on. New now defines us. Our Father in heaven now defines who we are as he sees his Son we are covered by his perfection and righteousness.

If orphans and adoption is important to God then it should be important to us. May we love the things that God loves and hate the things that God hates!

~ Paul

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Adoption: Living the Gospel

“The gospel of Jesus Christ means our families and churches ought to be at the forefront of the adoption of orphans close to home and around the world.”  - Adopted for Life

“Adoption is about an entire culture within our churches, a culture that sees adoption as part of our Great Commission mandate and as a sign of the gospel itself.”  - Adopted for Life

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”  James 1:27, Bible    

For much of the past 5 years of my life I have thought that adoption was a great thing to do but something that was not for me.  It was too uncomfortable, too expensive and too hard.  It has been a journey for me and my wife that has recently led us to pursue adoption more seriously in the country of Uganda.  

In January of 2012, we had the opportunity to share with our home church 5 words that we wanted to be a part of our lives for the whole year.  Those words included Prayer, Orphans, Community, Rest and Jesus.  Orphans made the list because we think that the idea of an “orphan” hits home for all of humanity.  Even though you may have been born with two perfectly capable parents in this life you still have a void in your life.  You see we all were born enemies of God.  In that state of being an enemy, we were also orphans without a home, without a Father and without hope.  I have often imagined what it might be like to be an actual orphan in this life, void of any real identity, address, heritage or future.  Void of the love and nurture of a mom and a dad that love and cherish you and tell you how cute you are.  This love that we experience from a loving mother and father is a foretaste of the love and affection of our heavenly Father.  

Psalm 40 proclaims that “He has lifted me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud.  He stood me up on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn’t slip.”  Our God has done something for each of us that we couldn’t do for ourselves.  He has adopted us out of this life and given us a new hope, new future, new address, and a new heritage full of brothers and sisters that stretch backwards into history and forwards into tomorrow.  It is hard to fathom a future in which you were once enemies to God, to a future in which we are now friends of God.  Romans 8:23 refers to all creation groaning as we await for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.  God knew before the creation of the world that we would be adopted as his sons and daughters through Jesus Christ (Eph 1:5).  And so we wait...but in that waiting we act...we show our belief in the spiritual adoption that we have experienced by demonstrating it on this earth to physical orphans.  We overcome the hurdles of fear, expense, struggle and discomfort of a physical adoption because Christ overcame.  This is the gospel!    

~ Paul
This is a story that begins with a passion... a passion to be obedient, a passion for the lost, a passion to care for orphans and ultimately a passion for God's Glory.  This is the story of the Braddy's filling their home and ultimately acting out the gospel.  Join us on our journey... through this blog we will attempt to keep you informed of the steps we are taking and the progress that is being made.  As you read this... please pray for us and the children God has for us.